We're expert in solving problems through creative
and digital products.
For Informa good Information Management is all about being able to find information efficiently. The process starts with good planning through project management, execution of your primary goals by adopting the right people, tools and technology to delivery results that your organisation embraces.
“Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow!” Robert T. Kiyosaki
Disclosures, by their very nature, are temperamental and fraught with security risks, time constraints and labour overload. They often start out as manageable but can quickly plummet to chaos, despite the best efforts of the stakeholders involved. In contrast, Disclosures are manageable, whatever the circumstances, one the right technology, the right solution and the right people are involved.
Organisations capture paper records because they hold valuable information that needs to be accessed regularly, just like digital data. At Informa, we specialise in bringing the two together for easy, seamless access.
With thirty years of serving clients across all sectors, there’s no industry we haven’t worked with. The benefit for our clients is that Informa can introduce innovative ideas and practices that have worked well in one sector but might not have been considered in another, helping drive fresh solutions and success.